杜鲁门主义的风暴紧接着匈牙利的「反民主」阴谋事件,保加利亚也发生了反民主阴谋事件。六月六日,保国反革命领袖,农民党秘书长彼得科夫(Nikola Petkov)被捕。如同匈牙利事件一样,保加利亚事件也引起了国际反动派的鼓噪和咆哮。美英先后对保加利亚提出抗议,认为保国政府有「消滅该国民主痕跡」的意向,就这样,保加利亚一时也被捲入了杜鲁门主义风暴的漩涡中。
The Truman crisis followed the Hungarian “anti-democratic” conspiracy and an anti-democratic conspiracy took place in Bulgaria. On June 6, Nikola Petkov, party secretary-general of the Kuomintang counterrevolutionary leader, was arrested. Like the events in Hungary, the Bulgarian incident also aroused the encouragement and roar of the international reactionaries. The United States and Britain have successively protested Bulgaria and held that the government of the preservation state has the intention of “eliminating the traces of democracy in the country.” In this way Bulgaria was temporarily caught up in the turmoil of the Truman crisis.