匙吻鲟(Polyodonspathuln)隶属于鲟形目、匙吻鲟科,主要分布在美国中部和北部的大型河流及相关湖泊、水库中,是世界上现存的两种匙吻鲟科鱼类之一(另一种为我国特有的白鲟Poly odonspathu1a)。1匙吻鲟生物学1.1形态特征匙吻鲟属软骨鱼类。有一个形如匙柄的长吻,约占体长的1/3,
Polyodonspathuln belongs to the order of sturgeon, Acustaciaceae, which is mainly found in the large rivers and related lakes and reservoirs in the central and northern United States. It is one of the two existing key sturgeon species in the world (the other is endemic to China Of the white sturgeons Poly odonspathu1a). 1 Keyfish Acipenser biology 1.1 Morphological characteristics Key to sturgeon cartilaginous fish. There is a long key shaped like a spoon handle, accounting for about 1/3 of the body length,