自2003年末以来,开始考虑购买数码单反相机的影友越来越多,但是,最近各大厂商争相发表各自的800万像素数码一体机,徒使购机选择变得复杂。这两类机种的功能、画质到底有何差别,各有什么样的特性,只有经历实拍测试方可被认知。数码“单反”—令胶片时代镜头群重获生机■尼康 D
Since the end of 2003, there have been more and more moviegoers who are considering the purchase of digital SLR cameras. However, major manufacturers are vying to publish their own 8-megapixel digital compactor in recent years, which complicates purchase choices. These two types of aircraft features, quality in the end what is the difference, what are the characteristics of each, only through real shot test can be recognized. Digital “SLR” - Rejuvenating Lens Group in Film Age ■ Nikon D