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新东方,全名北京新东方教育科技(集团)有限公司,是目前中国大陆规模最大的综合性教育集团,同时也是全球最大的教育培训集团。一谈起外语培训,从幼儿英语到出国托福GRE,大家第一个想到的都是新东方学校。似乎如果接受的不是新东方的课外培训,心里就不能百分百地踏实。以往新东方没有进驻济南时,出国留学想要一流外语培训的学员们要千里迢迢跑到北京去听课。自从新东方进驻之后,济南的培训教育领域也走入了一个新的阶段。日前,济南新东方学校市场主管赵令斌专门接受了本刊记者的采访,阐述了他对培训教育业的一些看法。 New Oriental, full name Beijing New Oriental Education Technology (Group) Co., Ltd., is currently the largest in mainland China comprehensive education group, but also the world’s largest education and training group. Speaking of foreign language training, from young children to overseas TOEFL GRE, everyone first thought of the new Oriental School. It seems that if the new Oriental is not to receive extra-curricular training, my heart can not be 100% sure. In the past, when New Oriental did not enter Jinan, students who wanted to study first-class foreign language in their study abroad went to Beijing for lectures. Since the arrival of New Oriental, Jinan has also entered a new phase of training and education. Recently, Jinan New Oriental School Zhao Lingbin, director of marketing specifically accepted the interview with reporters, described his views on the training of education industry.