根据已发表的报告,卫星测高仪在过去只检测到一次波辐相当小的海洋中的海啸波 (Okal et al,1999)。2004年12月海啸显著地改变了这种图象。这次事件是自1970年代开始进行卫星测高以来发生的最大的事件。目前在轨道上的仪器可以相当高分辨率 (海上5 km范围平均几厘米)测量海面高度,不过仅能沿其轨道测量,不能提供事件的全景图象。而且它们也不可能安排在最佳位置在震源附近进行早期监测。不过,“杰
According to published reports, the satellite altimeter has detected only a small wave of tsunamis in the oceans in the past (Okal et al, 1999). The tsunami of December 2004 dramatically changed this image. This event is the biggest one that has taken place since the satellite altimetry was started in the 1970s. Current on-orbit instruments measure sea-level at rather high resolution (a few centimeters off the sea at a distance of 5 km), but can only measure along their orbit and can not provide a panoramic view of events. Moreover, it is impossible for them to arrange early monitoring near the source in the best location. However, "Jay