An Amateur Differentiation within the US

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Before I came to the United States for college,I often thought of the United States as a single entity and American people as a whole.To make it specific,I never actually paid attention to where my foreign teachers in high school were from in the United States.Moreover,Los Angeles and New York City do not mean different things to me.They are both somewhere in the far away land called the United States.This is why when I applied to an American college,I did not care much about locations-the culture in different areas,the weather,the people and so on in the areas of the school Before I came to the United States for college, I often thought of the United States as a single entity and American people as a whole.To make it specific, I never actually paid attention to where where my foreign teachers in high school were from in the United States.Moreover, Los Angeles and New York City do not mean different things to me. They are both somewhere in the far away land called the United States. This is why when I applied to an American college, I did not care much about locations-the culture in different areas, the weather, the people and so on in the areas of the school
以下推荐书目适合法学研究生和法科学生阅读,对于法官、检察官、律师和政府法律官员等法律实务人士以及关心法学的其他学科人士,亦有参考价值。  《论犯罪与刑罚》,(意)切萨雷·贝卡里亚著,黄风译,中国法制出版社2005年版  贝卡利亚深刻地揭露了旧刑事制度的蒙昧,系统阐述了罪刑法定原则、罪刑相适应原则和刑罚人道化原则,对刑讯逼供和死刑进行了愤怒的谴责,鼓吹刑罚改革。伏尔泰称该书为“人权法典”。  《犯罪