鼻咽癌(nasopharyngeal carcinoma,NPC)是一种在中国南方、台湾、新加坡及特定地域的其它国家或地区很常见的肿瘤,其发病因素尚不明确。目前,还未发现与NPC发生过程的遗传因素有关的主要基因;而一些环境因素可能与诱发NPC有关,如食用腌鱼和长期暴露于硫酸蒸汽,研究指出EB病毒(Epstein-Barr virus,EBV)与NPC发病机理密切相关。为了探索NPC与EBV之间的关系,我们建立了10个NPC细胞株。经过广泛研究,我们认为EBV通过IgA受体(分泌组分蛋白)介导的细胞内吞作用,可能仅感染鼻咽肿瘤细胞,而不感染化生上皮细胞。我们发现EBV对于促进NPC进展起着重要作用,但并不参与启动及促进NPC的发生。
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a common tumor in southern China, Taiwan, Singapore and other countries in certain regions. Its pathogenesis is not yet clear. At present, no major genes related to the genetic factors of NPC have been found. However, some environmental factors may be related to induced NPC, such as the consumption of salted fish and long-term exposure to sulfuric acid vapor. Studies have shown that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) And NPC pathogenesis is closely related. To explore the relationship between NPC and EBV, we created 10 NPC cell lines. After extensive research, we believe that EBV may only infect nasopharyngeal tumor cells, but not metaplastic epithelial cells, through endocytosis mediated by IgA receptors (secretory component proteins). We found that EBV plays an important role in promoting the progress of NPC, but it is not involved in the initiation and promotion of NPC.