Gap junctions, the channels formed by the connexin (Cx) family of proteins, are responsible for direct intercellular communication.While connexins are consi
Epithelial tissues are organized by two types of polarity: apico-basal (ABP) and planar cell (PCP) polarities.PCP was initially described in Drosophila wher
Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) that lacks the expression of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα), progesterone receptor (PR) and over-expression of human ep
The YAP and TAZ transcriptional co-activators are WW domain containing proteins negatively regulated by the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway.Krüppel-like fac
如果有人去过沈阳军区政治部门诊部的疑难杂病专科,就会见到一对为患者忙碌得不可开交的老俩口儿。 男医生叫鲍凤龙,全国从医30年先进个人,被誉为“军中华佗”,1993年被评为