南美芭蕾舞劲旅——智利圣地亚哥芭蕾舞团,在著名的舞蹈家玛西娅·海蒂的率领下,来北京演出芭蕾舞剧《卡门》。对于北京乃至中国的艺术界,这都是一件盛事,是盛开在2014年年末最艳丽的一朵芭蕾之花。芭蕾舞剧《卡门》演出的历史并不太长,只有6 0多年,却是演出次数最多的芭蕾舞剧之一,大概可以和久负盛名的《天鹅湖》相媲美。1949年,号称世界三大芭蕾舞编导之一的法国的罗兰·佩蒂(他前几年曾经专门来过北京指导中国
South American ballet force - the Chilean Ballet of Santiago, led by the famous dancer Marcia Heidi, came to Beijing to perform the ballet “Carmen.” This is a grand event for the art world in Beijing and even China. It is the most beautiful ballet flower in late 2014. The ballet “Carmen” was not a long show. It was only 60 years old, but it was one of the most performing ballet performances, comparable to the prestigious Swan Lake. In 1949, France’s Roland Petit, known as one of the world’s three ballet choreographers, who had specially visited Beijing in recent years to guide China