天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。 最是一年春好处,绝胜烟柳满皇都。 这是唐朝诗人韩愈写京都早春美景的一首脍炙人日的名作。但是从古至今,人们对这首诗中的一些具体意思却有着各各不同的理解,这直接关乎诗人写作的本意和读者对这首诗的欣赏,因此有必要探究最正确的理解。 由宋朝谢枋得选注、吴绍烈校点的《千家诗》中评点韩愈的《早春》诗说:“此诗极赞春初微雨之细也。酥,酒之初熟而味甘滑,以比膏雨润泽万
Day Street, small drizzle Runru, grass color to see near but no. The best year of spring benefits, must win the full smoke Yanhuang. This is the Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu written Kyoto beauty of early spring a famous masterpiece. However, since ancient times, people have different understandings of some specific meanings in this poem, which are directly related to the poet’s intention of writing and readers’ appreciation of this poem. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the most correct understanding. By the Song Dynasty Xie won the election, Wu Shaolie school “thousands of poems” Comment on Han Yu’s “early spring” poem, said: "This poem is like the beginning of the spring light rain too small, crisp, sweet and smooth, Moist than the cream rain million