10月 12日,编辑部收到了南京大学社会学硕士研究生崔效辉撰写的《从凤台5·18事件看社会安全阀机俐的重要性》一文。作者以一个社会学研究者的眼光冷静、客观地分析了这起事件的原因、性质及由此而引发的思考,读来令人深思。我们编发此文,目的是让各级决策者能够从这起事件中思考一些问题,总结一些经验。 由于“5·18事件”距今已有半年之久,有些人肯定对事件的一些细节已经淡忘,因此,我们特意摘要配发《中国青年报》1998年6月 18日发表的《前老村,县委书记被扣》一文中的部分内容,以便让读者能够详细了解事件的过程,进而增加对崔效辉文章的理解。同时,编辑部还编发了《对正确处置群体性事件的思考》一文,供各级决策者处置群体性事件时参考。
On October 12, the editorial department received a paper entitled “The Importance of Social Security Valves from the Fengtai May 18 Incident” written by Cui Xiaohui, a master student in sociology at Nanjing University. The author calmly and objectively analyzes the causes, the nature and the resulting reflections of the incident with a sociological perspective. We compiled this article so that decision makers at all levels can think about some issues from this incident and sum up some experience. As the “May 18 incident” has been around for as long as six months ago, some people have certainly forgotten some details of the incident. Therefore, we deliberately allocated and distributed the “Old Lao Tsuen” published on June 18, 1998 in the “China Youth Daily” , The county party secretary was detained “part of the article, so that readers can understand the process of the incident in detail, thereby increasing the understanding of Cui Xiaohui’s article. In the meantime, the editorial department also compiled a ”Reflection on Correct Handling of Mass Incidents" for reference by policymakers at all levels in the handling of mass incidents.