My Pet Dog

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  My name is Jack. I keep a dog at home. He is my best friend. I call him Paul. Paul is a black dog. He weighs about 10 kg. He is two years old. Paul looks healthy and strong. Paul is clever. He can do many tricks. And he likes playing with my basketball best. He also enjoys walking with me after supper. I feed him three times a day. He likes eating bones very much.
  I love my Paul so much. I will look after it till his end.
Have you ever wondered where the chocolate in your favorite candy bar comes from? Chocolate comes from the cacao1 tree, which grows in warm, tropical2 areas of West Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico
华盛顿纪念碑  555英尺高的方尖碑是哥伦比亚特区最高的建筑。按照法律,華盛顿特区不允许别的建筑物超过它的高度。  夏季月份中,华盛顿纪念碑开放时间为9:00至22:00;其余月份开放时间为9:00至17:00。  由于资金短缺,纪念碑的建造曾中途停止。  纪念碑内部有一部电梯和897级台阶。  纪念碑的外墙是由来自马里兰州和马萨诸塞州的白色大理石块砌成。这座方尖碑则是由花岗岩和沙岩做成。  内墙
Today is Sunday, my mother wanted to buy something and she asked me, “Will you want go to the market with me?” I said yes.  We went to the market happily. My mother bought some meat and vegetables. Wh
1. On Youyou’s eighth birthday, Dad gives her a toy telephone. She is very happy.  优优8岁生日那天,爸爸送给她一部玩具电话机,她可高兴了。  2. But after some days, she feels bored, “Playing by myself is too boring.”  可是,几天玩下来,她
- Passage 1 -  It is the last day of May today. It is Grandma’s birthday. Father, Mother and I go to see her.  She lives with my uncle in a village. Early in the morning we buy a birthday cake and som
One day, a boy went to the park for a walk. He ate a banana and threw the skin on the ground. A moment later, he came back. Without noticing the skin, he slipped (滑動) on it. He was hurt so badly that
【栏目要求】  1. 将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩; 2. 在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;  3. 根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由; 4. 给学生习作点评;  5. 请点评名师提供简历一份,包括:学校、职务、 职称、荣誉、教研教学成果、照片一张。  投稿邮箱: zxsyy2007@163.com或  来稿请寄: 430079 华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英
导演(Director):  布拉德·伯德(Brad Bird)  配音演员(Dubbers):  格雷格·T·尼尔森(Craig T. Nelson)  霍利·亨特(Holly Hunter)  塞繆尔·L·杰克逊(Samuel L. Jackson)  类型(Type):  动画(Animation)/动作(Action)/冒险(Adventure)  国家/地区(Country/Region
28岁那年,我在一所高中教一年级学生英语。这所学校允许教职员工可以偶尔穿便装。  一天,我穿了一件运动衫和一条休闲裤。一个学生进来看见后,瞪大了眼睛。  “哇!”他大呼小叫地说:“你该天天这么穿。你看上去足足年轻了20岁,甚至30岁呢!”