HPHT 101-What Petroleum Engineers and Geoscientists Should Know About High Pressure High Temperature

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  On April 20, 2010, BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. This turned out to be one of the worst environmental disasters in recent history. This high-profile blowout at the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico, brought the challenges and the risks of drilling into high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) fields increasingly into focus. New Technology, HSE regulations, new standards, such as newly recommended procedures by the American Petroleum Institute (API), and extensive training programs for the drilling crew seem to be vital in developing HPHT resources. High-pressure high-temperature fields exist in Gulf of Mexico, North Sea, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Almost a quarter of HPHT operations worldwide are expected to happen in the American continent particularly in North America. Major oil companies have tried to identify key challenges in HPHT development and production, and several service companies have offered many insights regarding current or planned technologies to meet these challenges. However, there are so many factors that need to be addressed and learned in order to safely overcome the challenges of drilling into and producing from HPHT oil and gas wells.
  Drilling into HPHT wells is a new frontier for the oil and gas industry. The growing demand for oil and gas throughout the world is driving the exploration and production industry to look for new resources. Some of these resources are located in deeper formations. According to US Minerals Management Service (MMS), over 50% of proven oil and gas reserves in the US lie below 14,000 ft. subsea. As we drill into deeper formations we will experience higher pressures and temperatures.
  Drilling operations in such high pressure and high temperature environments can be very challenging. Therefore, companies are compelled to meet or exceed a vast array of technical limitations as well as environmental, health and safety standards. This paper explains the technological challenges in developing HPHT fields, deepwater drilling, completions and production considering the reports from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE), formerly known as the Minerals Management Service (MMS). It reviews the HPHT related priorities of National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), operated by the US Department of Energy (DOE), and DeepStar Committees for Technology Development for Deepwater Research.
  Key words: High pressure high temperature wells environment; Oil and gas industry; Gulf of Mexico   Shadravan, A., & Amani, M. (2012). HPHT 101-What Petroleum Engineers and Geoscientists Should Know About High Pressure High Temperature Wells Environment. Energy Science and Technology, 4(2), -0. Available from: URL: http://www.cscanada.net/index.php/est/article/view/10.3968/j.est.1923847920120402.635
  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.est.1923847920120402.635
  Projections of continued growth in hydrocarbon demand are driving the oil and gas industry to explore new or under-explored areas. As the search for petroleum becomes more extreme in terms of depths, pressures, and temperatures, companies are leading the way with innovative technologies and products for HPHT drilling. A number of innovations are in the pipeline to help companies access hydrocarbon that were once deemed too difficult to exploit. In a case of huge investments for new oil and natural gas discoveries, the oil industry has reached an agreement: no easy fields to be developed remain undiscovered, especially in offshore environments. According to Simmons, development of new approaches to drilling deep HPHT wells is required to meet engineering requirements while keeping projects economically feasible. Challenges on well drilling such as drilled extensions over 20,000ft, sub-salt drilling, very narrow drilling windows, operational challenges like lost of circulation, stuck pipe, and well control issues are even more probable when drilling in HPHT environments. The most common HPHT definition is when the pressure exceeds 10,000 psi (690 bar) and the temperature exceeds 300 °F ( 149 °C ).
  According to some studies in the near future, HPHT would be defined when the pressure if over 15,000 psi and the temperature more than 300 °F. To help identify HPHT operating environments, safe operating envelopes and technology gaps, new classifications have been developed. These classifications segment HPHT operations into main three tiers. Tier I refers to the wells with initial reservoir pressures between 10,000 psi to 20,000 psi and/or reservoir temperatures between 300 °F to 400 °F. To date, most of the HPHT operations in shale plays (GuoJiRajabovFriedheimPortella et al., 2012; GuoJiRajabovFriedheim & Wu, 2012; Joshi, 2012; Joshi & Lee, 2013; Rajabov et al., 2012) and many of the upcoming HPHT deepwater gas/ oil wells, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico, fall into Tier I . Kristin field is a well-known HPHT field in Norway with the reservoir pressure of 13200 psi and the temperature of about 350 °F. Tier II is called “Ultra” HPHT and includes any reservoir with pressures more than 20,000 and less than 30,000 psi and/or temperatures between 400 °F to 500 °F. Several deep gas reservoirs on the US land and the Gulf of Mexico continental shelf fall into this category (Payne et al., 2007). Tier III encompasses “extreme” HPHT wells, with reservoir pressures from 30,000 psi to 40,000 psi and/ or temperatures between 500 °F to 600 °F. Tier III is the HPHT segment with the most significant technology gaps.   In the past HPHT (or HTHP) was attributed to any condition with pressure or temperature above the atmospheric condition. Service companies, operators, cement/drilling fluid testing equipment companies and other pipe or tools manufacturers, each, came up with a slightly different definition for HPHT condition. Most companies currently categorize their operations, products or tools into the three main tiers shown in Figure 1, however, with different pressure and temperature boundaries for each tier, Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. This can be due to the fact that, for instance, a mud engineer worries more about the pressure and the temperature at which the drilling fluid might fail while a cementing engineer prioritizes when and how fast the cement sets at HPHT condition. These turning points (pressures and temperatures) are almost close but not the same. Also regulations in various geographical locations might affect this definition, for example in Norway ? or ? is used instead of ? and ? in defining a HPHT project; in other words, if either temperature or pressure meets the HPHT condition (10,000 psi or 300 °F), the project counts as a HPHT. In the UK, HPHT is formally defined as a well having an undisturbed bottom hole temperature of greater than 300 °F (149 °C) and a pore pressure of at least 0.8 psi/ft (?15.3 lbm/gal) or requiring a BOP with a rating in excess of 10,000 psi [68.95 MPa]. Although the term was coined relatively recently wells meeting the definition drilled and completed around the world for decades (Schlumberger, 2012). In North Sea some projects are still considered HPHT with the temperatures over 250 °F.
膜拜——致古台那苍老的灵    传说那是上千年的神灵  守望着这方古台  经历。从古老小镇,变成都市  见证,孩童成长,并衰老,死去    烟雾蒙蒙中,听一个个低语倾诉  跪倒的不光是神情,还有虔诚  把内心的欲清掉,去交给并寄存  在一个虚妄的灵,另一个世界变迁,依旧    比灰土的历史更为深沉,端详  古岩壁经久的煅烧,才致这般伤痕  无论冬夏春秋,时光匆匆  送走这个脚步,又留下那个脚印  
静美的月亮    月亮,今夜你很柔美  你把月光洒进  谁人干渴的心田里?    月亮,今夜你很安静  你不说话,一直在谛听  谁人甜蜜的私语?    从前和现在    在我和你之间  从前仿佛是暖水瓶  每天我们保存  每天我们汲取  暖融融的爱情。  在我和你之间  现在却是冰窖  里面储满了  凝固不化的  情感的冰块。    群星    群星闪烁的天空  星辰们在唱各自的歌寻  月亮在唱田
闺阁是一问囚茏,鎖住了中国几千年历史进程中女子的哀怨。她的红颜只为他盛开,他的肩膀构筑的另一半男性世界却是她世界的全部。  ——题记    无声的等待,凄美的离别。  在等待中,时间怠了工。时光如落入我手心里的花瓣,瓣瓣无声,只徒留我一个人在原地悲春伤秋。感叹风月。  人生,若只如初见,该有多好!他,不再是执剑天涯奔走空余我一腔思念的男子。我,亦是当初那个有着樱桃樊素口杨柳小蛮腰的曼妙女子。他。不
路标——有感《东风文艺》笔会    谁会想到  20年前的那只蝴蝶  沿着曾经埋下的路标  又飞了回来  那么多的时光  荒芜了那么多年的时光啊  我庆幸  在四月  在这个满是伤口的四月  遇到东风  于是我有了  张开翅膀的理由    九道河    时光是缓慢的  九道河知道  九道河岸上的芦苇  仍不肯返膏  这长长的缄默和死亡  陷进了低谷  河汉上的光阴堆成了沙丘  诸多上岸的水痕  我
(一)    是谁偷走了我的心,那是一个记忆的黄昏;  你拾起枫叶一枚,秋风中我珍藏于心。  你的倩影,你的背影,占据我整个的灵魂;  我的心情,我的感情。像被你控制和牵引。    (二)    是谁勾走了我的魂,那是一个记忆的黎明;  你捧起浪花一朵,海風中我干了个尽。  你的歌声,你的笑声,充满我全部的心灵;  我的半身,我的全身,像被你也到而情不自禁。    (三)    不应该,不应该把你
又见桐花开    每年的春天,是梧桐花盛开的季节。武汉是没有梧桐树的,留意了多次,却深感遗憾。在十堰的山上和故乡的乡下,到处可见梧桐树——那漫山遍野的花呀!  上个星期去了趟大山里,看到梧桐,仿佛见到了久违的亲人。我所见的梧桐,都是苍老而遒劲的,粗糙的树皮刻尽了似水流年的沧沧桑桑,让人摸起来不由得心生怜悯与敬慕。在小叶叶的陪衬下,梧桐花的美丽如流泄的春光,毫无余遗地直铺在人们眼前。  小时候常常拿
一位哲人曾说过:“如果一个人能把职业当成事业来做,那么他就成功了一半。”这句话我想了很久,深感意味深长,耐人寻味。  还记得我初到资料室的时候,一个人望着那么多的资料发呆,自己也没有目标,没有方向,怎么样才能管好那么多的资料呢?科技的、设备的、基建的,看得人眼花缭乱,心情也很烦躁,不知道从哪人手。  科技、设备档案并不是我想像的那样简单,它是需要按照企业标准《档案整理规则与分类建档规范》进行归档,
你說自己是一条鱼  在小小鱼缸里游来游去  没有自由、没有欢乐、没有伙伴  看不见大海,渴望着小溪    可是如果让我选择  有我陪伴你  我宁可和你做鱼缸里的一对鱼  不为功名奔波,看不到世间的丑恶  小小的世界只有你我    不去小溪,不到大海  要和你做鱼缸里的一对鱼  隔着玻璃看世间的美丽  你永远游离不开我的视线  我们在鱼缸里嬉戏  一天到晚自在地游来游去……
三月了,河那边的油菜花又在盛开,金黄色的一大片,覆盖在绿色的堤岸上。薄薄的晨雾中,那儿似乎很遥远。很遥远  我坐在岸边,双脚轻轻地拍打着水,静静地望着对岸。河水还凉飕飕的,有小虾时不时蹭我的脚,痒痒的。看着河水的那边,我禁不住心驰神往……  很小很小的时候,我就常坐在这儿,遥望河那边了。往往是一个初春的清晨,身旁白色的小野花还带着露珠儿。我就这么静静地坐着。小河上薄薄的晨雾没有散尽,宛如蒙上了一层