基于核心 置顶探究——一道椭圆伴随圆问题的变式探究历程

来源 :福建中学数学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:NF_Frankie
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学习数学离不开解题,解题历来就被公认为是数学学习中最富有特征的一项活动,而解题后的研究和反思工作,则显得更加重要.R·柯朗在《数学是什么?》的序言中有这样一段话:“学生和教师若不试图从数学的形式和单纯的演算中跳出来,以掌握数学的本质或关键特征,那么挫折和迷惑将变得更为严重.”特别是在解析几何复习教学中,应基于问题的核心关键式,将题目内在的探究价值放大到极致,最终达到所冀望的思维深度训练的效果.一般说来,探究活动可从以下三个层面进行: Learning mathematics is inseparable from solving problems. Solving problems has always been recognized as one of the most characteristic activities in mathematics learning. The research and reflection work after problem solving is even more important. R. There is a saying in the Preface of “What?”: “If students and teachers do not attempt to jump out of mathematics and simple calculations to grasp the nature or key features of mathematics, setbacks and confusion will become even more serious. .”Especially in the analysis of analytical geometry, it should be based on the core key issues, to maximize the intrinsic value of the inquiry, and ultimately achieve the effect of the desired depth of training. In general, inquiry activities can be from the following Three levels: