华中电网水电较多, 所处地理位置特殊, 水电站防洪问题突出, 为及时准确地获取并处理水情信息, 建立了华中电网防汛信息系统。简要介绍了该系统的功能、开发及关键技术、应用。极大地提高了华中电力集团公司防汛管理水平, 具有较大的经济和社会效益。
Huazhong Power Grid has more hydroelectricity, special geographical location and outstanding flood control problems. In order to timely and accurately obtain and process hydrological information, a flood control information system of Central China Power Grid was established. Briefly introduced the system’s function, development and the key technology and application. Greatly improved the Huazhong Power Group flood control management level, with greater economic and social benefits.