过去 ,习惯将“desertification”译成沙漠化或沙 (漠 )化 ,这是约定俗成的词汇。沙漠化一词早在 2 0世纪 40年代就见于《解放日报》(1 941 )田家英的《沙漠化的愿望》一文 ;5 0年代又见于《中国林业》(1 95 1年 1期 )陶克的文章《陕北的沙漠现状及改造》。过去
In the past, it was customary to translate “desertification” into desertification or desertification. As early as the 1940s, the term desertification was published in Tian Jianying’s “Desire for Desertification” by Jiefang Daily (1941); again in the 1950s in “China’s Forestry” (January 1951) The article “Desert Status and Reconstruction in Northern Shaanxi.” past