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目的对某草甘膦生产建设项目进行职业病危害控制效果评价,为卫生行政部门对项目职业病防护设施竣工验收提供科学依据。方法依据《建设项目职业病危害评价规范》主要采用职业卫生现场调查和检测,结合检查表、职业健康检查结果进行评价。结果该项目主要的危害因素为:黄磷、氯气、甲醛、甲醇。检测结果甲醛浓度为2.10~3.29 mg/m3,超过国家允许接触限值;噪声检测:真空站为88.7 dB(A)、循环水岗位为89 dB(A),均超过国家允许接触限值,其他检测指标符合卫生标准。结论该项目采取的各项职业病防护措施基本可行,但需加强对化学有害因素及噪声的职业病危害控制措施。 Objective To evaluate the control effect of occupational hazards on a glyphosate production and construction project and provide a scientific basis for the completion of the inspection and acceptance of occupational disease prevention facilities by the health administrative departments. Methods Based on the “Code for Occupational Disease Hazard Assessment of Construction Projects”, occupational health field surveys and tests were mainly used, and the results were combined with the checklist and occupational health examination results. Results The main hazards of the project are: phosphorus, chlorine, formaldehyde, methanol. The test results formaldehyde concentration of 2.10 ~ 3.29 mg / m3, exceeding the national allowable exposure limits; noise detection: vacuum station 88.7 dB (A), circulating water level of 89 dB (A), all exceeding the national allowable exposure limits, other Test indicators meet the health standards. Conclusion The occupational disease prevention measures adopted in this project are basically feasible, but the control measures of occupational hazards to chemical harmful factors and noises need to be strengthened.
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