上海译文出版社不久前出版了两部同名小说.一部是袁谨洋先生翻译的日本当代著名作家辻仁成的小说《冷静与热情之间的 Blu》,另一部是李萍先生翻译的日本著名女作家江国香织的小说《冷静与热情之间的 Rosso》。这两部同题作品,男性作家从男主角的角度来描写,女性作家则从女主角的视野入手,使形式不同的两部作品,既风格迥异又相得益彰:既相互
Recently, Shanghai Translation Publishing House published two novels of the same name, one is translated by Mr. Yuan Jang Yang’s novel “Blues Between Calmness and Enthusiasm” by Ren Rencheng, a famous Japanese contemporary writer, and the other is a famous Japanese girl translated by Mr. Li Ping The novel “Rosso between Calmness and Enthusiasm” by Jiang Guoxiang, a writer. The two works with the same title, male writers from the perspective of the heroine, female writers start from the perspective of the heroine, so that different forms of two works, both very different styles and complement each other: both