3月23日上午农业部举行的“《中日渔业协定》生效新闻发布会”上获悉:根据中国农业部部长陈耀邦与日本国农林水产大臣玉泽德一郎签署的会议纪要,新《中日渔业协定》将于今年6月1日起正式生效。根据该协定的规定,1975年8月15日签订的《中华人民共和国与日本国渔业协定》自新协定生效之日起失效。 新《中日渔业协定》是两国根据《联合国海洋法公约》的有关规定,对渔业做出的一种过渡性安排。原则上将各自管辖水域从两国领海扩大到专属经济区,确定了在
On the morning of March 23, the Ministry of Agriculture held a press conference on the entry into force of the “Sino-Japanese Fisheries Agreement.” It was informed that according to the minutes of the meeting signed by China’s Minister of Agriculture Chen Yaobang and Japan’s Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Yutaka Tokuro, Fisheries Agreement will come into effect on June 1 this year. According to the provisions of the agreement, the Agreement on Fisheries between the People’s Republic of China and Japan signed on August 15, 1975 shall lapse from the date of entry into force of the new agreement. The new Sino-Japanese Fisheries Agreement is a transitional arrangement for fisheries between the two countries under the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In principle, the waters under their respective jurisdiction have been expanded from the territorial waters of the two countries to the exclusive economic zone