Generation of Overpressure due to Condensation in Moist Air Jet

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gengboy
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In the present study,a computational fluid dynamics method has been applied to investigate the effects of initialdegree of supersaturation at reservoir condition on under-expanded sonic jet structures,such as Mach disk loca-tion and diameter,barrel shock wave and jet boundary.The axisymmetfic nozzle geometry investigated was aconverging nozzle with straight part.As a result,it was found that the overpressures due to condensation generateand the characteristics of flow with generation of overpressure due to condensation in the jet were different fromthose without condensation. In the present study, a computational fluid dynamics method has been applied to investigate the effects of initial de gree of supersaturation at reservoir conditions on under-expanded sonic jet structures, such as Mach disk loca tion and diameter, barrel shock wave and jet boundary. axisymmetfic nozzle geometry investigated the aconverging nozzle with straight part. As a result, it was found that the overpressures due to condensation generate and the characteristics of flow with generation of overpressure due to condensation in the jet were different fromthose without condensation.
六千五百七十个白天黑夜逝去了,今天是我们的生日,十八岁生日。度过了满满的十八个春秋,度过了满满的十八个酷暑与寒冬,度过了满满的十二年寒窗。 Sixty-seven thousand day
千里祁连雪山巍然耸立,绿色高山草甸逶迤起伏。驾!驾!一匹匹枣红色、深褐色、灰白色骏马像风一样拂过草原,马背上一位位裕固族汉子、姑娘挥 Thousands of miles Qilian snow
新华网太原4月11日电(记者孙彦新)11日11时27分,中国自行研制的“海洋一号B”卫星在太原卫星发射中心发射升空,卫星准确进入了预定轨道。 Xinhua News Agency, Taiyuan, Apr
一  生命离不开阳光、水和空气,植物、生物、动物,当然包括人,无一例外。  描摹万事万物的写作也离不开这一切。写作是有生命的创造,是在有氧气的环境中窜行和游走,脱离了这些生命中必备的元素,只有死路一条。  写作可以自由想象,可以天马行空,可以思接千载,文通八荒,有一点必须坚持,那就是脚踩大地,匍匐前行,不能做拽住头发飞离地球的蠢事。  鸟儿飞得再高也是在有氧层里,飞机飞得再高也没有突破大气层,宇宙