各市、县人民政府,省各委、办、厅、局,省各直属单位: 在第六届全国残疾人运动会上,我省残疾人体育健儿团结奋斗、顽强拼搏,取得了优异成绩。在我省派出的两个代表团中,江苏一团有8人超10项世界记录,33人(含接力赛)打破48项次全国记录,获得金牌92枚、银牌64枚、铜牌47枚;江苏二团有2人打破2项全国记录,获得金牌4枚、银牌4枚、铜牌11枚。江苏一团金牌数和团体总分列各代表团之首;两个代表团均获得体育道德风尚奖。这些成绩的取得,充分展现了我省残疾人运动员身残志坚、自强不息的精神风貌,体现了他们奋发有为、百折不挠的宝贵精神。
Municipalities, county people’s governments, provincial commissions, offices, offices, bureaus and provincial affiliates: At the 6th National Paralympic Games, disabled athletes in our province worked hard in unity and perseverance and achieved excellent results. Of the two delegations dispatched by our province, 8 of the Jiangsu regiments surpassed 10 world records and 33 of them (including the relay race) broke 48 national records, obtaining 92 gold medals, 64 silver medals and 47 bronze medals. Two of Jiangsu’s two groups broke two national records and won 4 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 11 bronze medals. The number of medals in Jiangsu and the total number of groups ranked first in the delegations; both delegations won the sports ethics awards. The achievements of these achievements have fully demonstrated the spirit of being physically and mentally handicapped, self-reliant, and demonstrating their valuable and indomitable spirit.