溶血磷脂酸 (lysophosphatidicacid ,LPA)是脂类的多功能信使。血小板在被凝血酶激活后释放大量LPA。同时LPA也可能反过来促进血小板聚集。因此 ,在缺血性脑血管病的发生期LPA很可能会增高。目前国际上尚未见有关LPA与脑血栓发生的关系的研
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a multifunctional messenger of lipids. Platelets release large amounts of LPA after being activated by thrombin. At the same time LPA may also promote platelet aggregation in turn. Therefore, LPA is likely to increase during the onset of ischemic cerebrovascular disease. At present, there is no international study on the relationship between LPA and cerebral thrombosis