上海徐汇区新乐地段医院自 2 0 0 0年 9月起实施ISO90 0 1的 2 0 0 0版。在实践中首先抓贯标准备 ,其次抓强化培训 ,第三抓质量体系文件编写 ,第四抓质量管理体系运行 ,第五抓内部质量体系审核 ,第六抓认证审核。经过认真运作后 ,2 0 0 1年 5月 ,方园标志认证委员会质量认证中心颁发了质量管理体系认证证书。实践的主要体会是贯标 :是构筑现代医疗质量管理的一种新方式 ;是医院可持续发展的前提 ;是医疗质量管理有效运行的组织保障等
The Shanghai New District Lot Hospital in Xuhui District has implemented the ISO 2000 version of the 2000 version since September 2000. In practice, we must first implement the standard preparation, followed by intensive training, third, quality system documentation, fourth, quality management system operation, fifth, internal quality system audit, and sixth, certification audit. After careful operation, in May 2001, Fangyuan Mark Certification Committee Quality Certification Center issued a quality management system certification. The main experience of practice is Guan Biao: a new way to build modern medical quality management; a prerequisite for the sustainable development of hospitals; an organizational guarantee for the effective operation of medical quality management, etc.