我对武术的印象,恐怕大都来源于金庸的武侠小说。 80年代,金庸先生曾经亲自送给我一套他的武侠小说,因为当时他想拜我为师学习围棋。拜我为师的时候还举行了仪式,一开始他非要磕头不可,我说不用,后来,他就给我鞠了三个特别大的躬。 我这才知道,原来把武术的一招一势都描写得出神入化、入木三分的“金大侠”竟然和我一样一点儿武术也不会。他完全是依靠自己丰富的想象力写出的那些叫人翻开第一页就欲罢不能、恨不得一气儿看
My impression of martial arts, I am afraid most of them come from Jin Yong’s martial arts novel. In the 1980s, Mr. Jin Yong personally gave me a set of his martial arts novels, because at that time he wanted to worship me as a teacher to learn Go. When I was a teacher, I also held a ceremony. At the beginning, he had to kowtow. I said no. Later, he gave me three special big bow. I just knew that the original description of martial arts moves are described as superb, into the wood third “Golden Hero” and I will not even a little martial arts. He is completely relying on their own rich imagination to write those who open the first page can not stop, can not wait to look angrily