大连有线电视公司和大连开发区有线电视台举行了有线电视网络购并签字仪式。至此 ,从今年初开始的对瓦房店、庄河、普兰店市 ,金州、旅顺区 ,长海县 ,开发区这 3市 3区 1县有线电视网的购并工作已告完成。由大连有线电视公司出资购并县市区有线电视网络 ,目前已投入的收购资金
Dalian Cable TV Company and Dalian Development Zone Cable TV held a signing ceremony for the purchase and sale of cable television networks. So far, the acquisition of cable television networks in 3 districts and 1 county in 3 cities of Wafangdian, Zhuanghe, Pulandian, Jinzhou, Lushun, Changhai and Development Zone has been completed since the beginning of this year. Funded by Dalian Cable Television Co., Ltd. and purchased the cable television network in the urban area and has invested in the acquisition of funds