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  “Why and How the CPC Works in China(中国共产党为什么能)?”红船边,外籍游客一字一顿地用英语问。
  “WITH PEOPLE(因为人民的支持)。”富稚钧脱口而出两个单词。
  The Red Boat on the South Lake attracts so many tourists to Jiaxing in northern Zhejiang, just as it did 99 years ago when a group of China’s earliest communists secretly came to Jiaxing and spent about six hours on a boat on South Lake to conclude the first national congress of the Communist Party of China.
  Jiaxing has seen tremendous changes since then. In November 2017, General Secretary Xi Jingping and members of the standing committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC visited the venue in Shanghai where the first national congress of the CPC started and the red boat on the South Lake in Jiaxing where the first national congress of the CPC concluded.   One question frequently asked about the birth of the CPC is why Jiaxing. Jiaxing looked quite incidental, but there were ample reasons to explain why. Jiaxing was a hot spot of influential public intellectuals such as Shen Yanbing, Zhu Fucheng, and Shen Junru in the 1920s and hosted more than 20 progressive publications. And it is geographically close to Shanghai.
  Another fact that often makes people wonder about the birth of the CPC is that the deputies came by train from Shanghai to Jiaxing, spent six hours on the boat and concluded the last session of the first national congress, and took the last train that day back to Shanghai. Back then, a high-speed train took about three hours to travel 100 kilometers from Jiaxing to Shanghai. Today, it takes only 27 minutes. The city has invested heavily into the transport system to integrate with Shanghai. In 2020 alone, investment will have amounted to 6.14 billion yuan and the 12 key projects funded by the investment will turn Jiaxing into a better central city in the Yangtze River Delta.
  What has transformed Jiaxing is more than a transport system. As Zhejiang’s gateway to Shanghai and the province’s bridgehead of integrated and coordinated development with Shanghai, Jiaxing is striving to be more closely connected with the megacity in terms of economic and social growth and infrastructure. Jiaxing considers the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta an unprecedented opportunity and goes all out to take best use of the development opportunities opened up by the integrated growth, which is a national strategy now.
  Jiaxing now boasts a prosperity never seen before in history although it was a city of prosperity for a long time in ancient times. At present, the city has 858 villages in its administrative system and each of them has passed the threshold of 1 million yuan as recurring revenue per year since 2019. In 2019, Jiaxing was included into a national experimental program for integrated rural and urban growth. For the past 16 consecutive years, Jiaxing has led the province in the per capita income of rural population.
  While the rural development of Jiaxing has made great headway, the urban development has advanced remarkably, too. Urban development isn’t something like rural development in Jiaxing. In the urban districts of Jiaxing, there used to be a lot of time-old houses and backward infrastructure systems. In some residential areas, communal toilets served the people. Some rivers ran into the city and then went nowhere. Some village houses stood in crowded residential areas in the city as they were engulfed by fast urban sprawl and didn’t have time to adapt to new changes. Some backstreets formed narrow labyrinths where vehicles moved slowly and ran into traffic snafu frequently.
  Jiaxing owes its tremendous transformation and thriving prosperity to the birth of the CPC 99 years ago. The Red Boat on the South Lake symbolizes the CPC’s commitment to serving the people and symbolizes the CPC supported and embraced by the whole nation. This is a consensus shared by the people of Jiaxing. In the 1950s, Jiaxing turned the Misty Rain Pavilion on the lake-center isle into the South Lake Revolutionary Museum. Toward the end of the 1980s, the local people raised a fund of 3.2 million yuan and had the second-generation South Lake Revolutionary Museum built. The present-day South Lake Revolutionary Museum by the lakeside started construction in March 2007, with a fund of 10.62 million yuan donated by local people.
袁枚,有中国古代“食圣”之誉,祖籍浙江慈溪。林语堂先生曾用英文评介:“伟大的诗人和学者袁枚写了厚厚的一本书来讨论烹饪方法。”那么在这本厚厚的《随园食单》中会记有哪几样家乡菜呢?  从“治大国若烹小鲜”的老子,从“食不厌精,脍不厌细”的孔子,到“东坡肉”到“重八毛豆腐”到“宗堂鸡”“潘鱼”到“叫花鸡”,“吃”总归是胖胖的国王和瘦瘦的乞丐的共同爱好。“食色,性也”,堂而皇之地说。而且历代文人雅士都有谈
別人说她是“青田版李子柒”,她说:“我是独一无二的青田李秋香。”这位和伙伴们扛着摄像机行走在青田的角角落落拍摄当地美食美景与乡土人情的姑娘,有着怎样的故事呢?  很多人把她称作“青田李子柒”,当然,这是一种褒奖。  李子柒,四川姑娘,因以“古法风格”的形式发布原创美食视频而走红网络。可以说,她唤醒了不少人心中的田园梦,尤其生活在喧嚣城市,被生活和工作压得有些喘不过气的人,无比渴望那种“采菊东篱下,
安昌是我的诞生地。那儿的每一块青石板,每一片黛瓦,每一条湿漉漉的弄堂,都塞满了我童年的记忆。  一  从文化地域上来划分,安昌所在地区流行绍剧和莲花落。  绍剧,中国传统戏曲剧种,原名“绍兴乱弹”,以高亢激越的唱腔、粗犷朴实的音乐、豪放洒脱的表演和文武兼备等特点形成独特的艺术风格。莲花落,绍兴一带的曲艺种类之一,形成之初以沿门说唱为主,此后又开始以绍兴方言说唱长篇书目,幽默风趣。  但安昌人却普遍
因為想要留住家族老屋的记忆,我选择了拍照的方式,因为顺便拍了老屋周边的风光,我迷上了拍摄乡村的古桥。  我叫裘洪春,一个喜欢拍摄古桥的人。从2012年起到现在,我的镜头已经与1000多座古桥相遇、相知。  迷上拍摄古桥,要从一幢老屋说起。那是我家祖上在浙江嵊州崇仁古镇上的一幢百年老屋,有青砖、黛瓦、马头墙。因为后来搬到杭州,老屋无人,日渐衰败,我担心它会倒下来,却又无计可施。2012年,我想到一个
金华有两个萝卜,一大一小。大者,产自盘前——婺城北山之顶,块头粗的,五六斤重;小的出自兰溪,一个不足半两,乃天生的腌货。  萝卜品质,无关块头大小。在农人眼里,只有经霜之后,萝卜才迎来一生中最美的年华。  时令就是这么神奇。萝卜虽无早韭、晚菘这般任性,亦有自己的禀赋特性,始终不渝地循时而长。  农谚“头伏萝卜二伏菜”,说的就是萝卜生长规律——水稻割毕,冬播小麦、移栽油菜尚早,水稻田闲着也是闲着,倒