各种职业都有自己的职业形象,有的形象感要强些,有的形象感要弱些。我从来就觉得,警察是一种形象感特别强的职业。这可从历来各国都很注重警服的样式、色彩等求一证明。至于工商、税务、城管等诸类行政执法部门,也纷纷订定制服,毕竟是晚近几年的事。同时也说明,鲜明的服装标志,对于法纪与威严的衬托,不是可有可无的。 我在马来西亚看见的警察,一年四季烈日当空,笔挺的黑裤下总是着一双几乎及膝的皮靴,白衬衫两边交织的黑皮带挎着手枪与警棍,显得十分神气。泰国的交通特别繁忙,十宇路口的警察手不停挥,尤其是没有交通亭的小十字路口,交警一边打出标准的手势,还不时得大步挪动所处位置,免得被拥挤的
A variety of occupations have their own professional image, and some more strong sense of the image, and some of the image weaker. I have always felt that the police is a very strong image of occupations. This can be traced from all over the world are very focused on the style of uniform, color, etc. for a proof. As for the business administration, taxation, urban management and other administrative law enforcement departments, have also set uniform, after all, is something in recent years. At the same time also shows that the distinctive clothing signs, for law and order and majesty, is not optional. The policeman I saw in Malaysia was very airy all year round, with a pair of almost knee-high boots under the straight black trousers. The black belt intertwined on the white shirt was carrying a pistol and baton. Thailand’s traffic is particularly busy, 10 Yu-jun police hand stop, especially in the small intersection without traffic kiosks, the traffic police while playing standard gestures, from time to time have to stride around the location, so as not to be crowded