30年中香港征集献血员的工作发生了很大变化:1958年,只有1/1000的人自愿献血。1987年,27/1000的人自愿献血。95%的献血员是当地华人。今天,大部分的华人献血员是来自30岁以下的青年男女。志愿献血态度的转变是长期普及教育、尤其是强调对青年人的早期教育的结果。征集献血员的工作基本上就是作宣传,要通过官方和非官方渠道,用演讲、广播、卡片、小册子、漫画等方法来讲明血液的生成、保存和用途;通过教育机构把献血内容作为一门科学知识介绍给学生。 1、献血员的褒扬以赠送徽章、荣誉证、小礼品、纪念品和举行一年一度的献血员典礼的方式感谢反复多次献血的献血员,表明血液机构对献血员的铭记并促使他们继续承担这种义务。
The work of soliciting blood donors in Hong Kong has changed greatly in the past 30 years: In 1958, only 1/1000 people voluntarily donated blood. In 1987, 27/1000 people voluntarily donated blood. 95% of blood donors are local Chinese. Today, most of the Chinese blood donors are young men and women under the age of 30. The change in the attitude of voluntary blood donation is the result of long-term universal education, especially the emphasis on early education for young people. The work of soliciting blood donors is basically propaganda. Through official and unofficial channels, speech, radio, cards, pamphlets, cartoons, etc. are used to explain the generation, preservation, and use of blood; through education institutions, the content of blood donation is taken as A scientific knowledge is introduced to students. 1. The blood donors’ gratitude thanks to blood donors who have repeatedly donated blood by giving badges, badges of honor, small gifts, souvenirs, and holding annual blood donor ceremonies, indicating that blood institutions keep in mind the blood donors and prompt them to continue to assume This obligation.