
来源 :贸大法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bob2cici
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《慈善法》的出台填补了长期以来我国慈善事业法律的空白,但其对于网络募捐并未给出清晰的回应。网络募捐第三方平台权利义务不明晰、个人网络求助行为定性模棱两可、网络募捐配套机制规定模糊等问题表明了《慈善法》对网络募捐这一新兴方式仍持观望态度。网络募捐是“互联网+”时代的慈善创新行为,监管应采取市场选择导向而非行政管理导向。传统思路下单一主体和单一手段的法律监管已经难以适应网络募捐的发展,应将网络与慈善有机结合,采取多元主体和多元手段的法律治理,明确网络第三方平台的权责,引导个人网络求助规范进行,利用网络技术为网络募捐法律制度服务,促进网络募捐的健康发展。 The introduction of the “Charity Law” has filled in the blank of the charity law in our country for a long time, but it did not give a clear response to the online fund-raising. The unclear rights and obligations of the third party platform for online fundraising, the ambiguous nature of the solicitation for personal networks and the obscure provisions of the network fundraising mechanism indicate that the Charity Law is still on the wait-and-see attitude toward the emerging mode of online fund-raising. Internet fundraising is a charity innovation in the age of “Internet +”. Supervision should be guided by market rather than administration. Under the traditional thinking, the legal supervision of a single subject and a single means has been difficult to adapt to the development of online fund-raising. The network should be organically integrated with charity, take the legal governance of multiple subjects and multiple means, clarify the rights and responsibilities of the third-party network platform, and guide the personal network to seek help Standardize the use of network technology for the Internet fund-raising legal services to promote the healthy development of online fund-raising.
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