In this study, anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (CD3McAb) was supplemented with a small amount of recombinant human interleukin 2 (γIL-2) and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) to induce peripheral blood lymphocytes, and successfully developed anti-tumor activity. CD3 McAb-activated killer cells (CD3AK cells). The results showed that a small amount of CD3McAb supplemented with a small amount of γIL-2 and PHA can induce and massively expand CD3AK cells. The CD3AKAb could be activated once by 30ng/ml CD3McAb. When the CD3McAb concentration was increased to 300ng/ml, the CD3AK cell amplification ability was significantly higher than that of LAK cells; CD3AK cells were mainly heterogenous with CD3+, CD8+, and CD4+ cells. The percentage of cell populations, CD3+ and CD8+ cells increased with the prolongation of culture time. CD3AK cells from the 4th day to the 16th day had a strong tumoricidal activity, and the optimal period was from the 7th day to the 10th day. The tumoricidal activity in vitro was significantly higher than LAK cells (P<0.05). This experimental study shows that CD3AK cells are another more effective killer tumor cells after LAK and TIL.