98年12月22日晚在北京人民大会堂演出的、由中央电视台现场直播的纪念中国共产党十一届三中全会二十周年《春潮颂》音乐会,以《希望的田野》《春天的故事》《走进新时代》组成的三个乐章,和数百名艺术家气势磅礴的交响大合唱,高度概括了波澜壮阔的历史进程,展示着我国改革开放的辉煌成就。 音乐会作品全部由创作歌曲组成,序曲《祝酒歌》欢快的旋律首先把人们带入到粉碎四人帮那划时代的回响中去,随着第一乐章主旋律的奏起,8位男歌唱家领唱的《中国中国鲜红的太阳永不落》展示出全国人民在党的指引下迈开的新长征矫健步伐。歌曲组唱播种希望中祖海、耿为华等领唱的《年轻的朋友来相会》,吕继宏、卢秀梅领唱的《金梭和银梭》以新面孔、老作品,新演绎、老故事的回顾与展望让人浮想联
The evening of December 22, 1998 in Beijing’s Great Hall performed by CCTV live broadcast commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Communist Party “spring tide” concert, “hope field” “spring Story ”“ into a new era, ”and the magnificent symphonic orchestra of hundreds of artists, highly summed up the magnificent historical process and demonstrated the brilliant achievements of China’s reform and opening up. All the concerts are composed of songs of creation. The melody of “Ode to the Song of Songs” is the first to bring people into the reverberation of the era of smashing the Gang of Four. With the playing of the theme of the first movement, eight male singers lead the “ China’s bright red sun never falls ”shows the vigorous pace of the new long march that the people of the whole country has taken under the guidance of the party. The song group sings sow hope “In the sea, Geng Weihua lead singer” young friends to meet, “Lu Jihong, Lu Xiumei lead the” Jinsuo and silver shuttle "with a new face, old works, a new interpretation of the old story reviews and prospects People think of the United States