“刁民”一词,辞书上无从查找,如果拆解其含义,“刁”字谓狡猾、无赖; “民”为人民、人群或人。由此归纳, “刁民”即狡猾、无赖的人或人群。纵观古今, “民”相对“君”、“官”而言, “民”一向为官道所看重。儒学认为: “得民心者得天下”,并一再告诫历代君王,切不可以城池之险、兵革之利而专横跋扈,从而常有“君轻民重”的训条。据报载,今年1至9月,全国法院共受理行政诉讼案件107857件,同比上升 6.18%,审结95793件,同比上升2.08%。另据介绍,截至今年9月,全国法院还受理国家赔偿案件2713件,审结2443件。
“Diao people” word, dictionaries can not find, if the dismantling of its meaning, “Diao” word means cunning, rogue; “people” for the people, people or people. From this induction, “Diao people” that cunning, rogue people or people. Throughout ancient and modern, “people” relative “king”, “official”, the “people” has always been valued for the official road. Confucianism: “people have the people have the world,” and repeatedly warned the kings of ancient times, must not be the risk of the city, Binggeli and domineering, and thus often “monarchy weight” training article. According to reports, from January to September this year, the PRC courts handled a total of 107,857 administrative litigation cases, up 6.18% over the same period of the previous year and concluded 95,793 cases, an increase of 2.08% from the same period of last year. According to another briefing, as of September this year, the national courts also accepted 2,713 state compensation cases and concluded 2,443 cases.