喜临文明家庭 合家欢乐福臻勤劳门第相亲相爱勤劳动 美满幸福同心同德奔小康遵纪守法跟党走 长治久安廉政爱民做公仆物换星移推牛去 辞旧迎新凤和日雨送虎来笑饮丁丑丰收酒 欣逢盛世喜迎戊寅腾飞年
Xi Lin civilization home family happiness Fu Zhen hardworking family love each other hard work happy happiness work in unity with the well-to-do law and order with the party to run long-term stability and integrity Aimin do public servants change stars move cowardly welcome new phoenix and rain to tiger Ugly harvest Feng Xin welcomes the Spring Festival soaring e-year