
来源 :中国法律 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:antony86
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一、確立中央與地方關係的基本原則中央與地方關係是國家治理的基礎和重要支柱,科學的中央與地方權責劃分制度是優化資源配置、維護國家統一、促進社會公平、實現國家長治久安的制度保障。因此,必須完善立法、明確事權、改革稅制、穩定收入、透明預算、提高效率,建立中央與地方財政的現代分權制度,發揮中央和地方兩個積極性。確立中央與地方關係,特別是財政關係,必須遵循兩個基本原則:適度分權原則、事權與財權相結合原則。 I. Basic Principles for Establishing the Relationship between the Central and Local Governments The relationship between the central government and the local government is the foundation and pillar of state governance. The scientific system of dividing the powers and responsibilities of the central and local governments is a system of optimizing the allocation of resources, safeguarding national unification, promoting social fairness, and ensuring long-term peace and stability of the country Protection. Therefore, we must perfect the legislation, clarify the power of conduct, reform the tax system, stabilize income, transparent the budget, improve efficiency and establish a modern decentralization system of central and local finance so as to give play to the enthusiasm of both the central and local governments. To establish the relations between the central and local governments, especially the financial relations, we must follow two basic principles: the principle of proper decentralization, the principle of combining the powers and the financial power.
由五个符号构成的符号序列如下图所示。请问下一个符号应该是什么?你能画出这个符号来吗?(小提示:对称性是显而易见的 The sequence of symbols consisting of five symbols
大忠有大爱,大爱有大勇。他们潜至丛林深处,偷袭了敌军一个基地。沿原路撤退时,13个人变成了5个。一个班长,一个俘虏,3个兵。他们必须在天亮以前赶回丛林边缘。 Big loyalty
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