Preliminary Remarks on a Collection of Praj?āpāramitā Manuscripts from 'On Ke ru Temple

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During the summer of 2002 I had the opportunity to visit briefly the Temple of 'On Keru in Lhokha (Shannan), TAR, under the kind auspices of the Tibet Academy of Social Science and in collaboration with the Tibet Himalayan Digital Library project based at the University of Virginia. It was rumored, at the time, that 'On Keru—which is supposed to have been founded during the reign of the Btsan po Khri Lde gtsug btsan in the early 8th century—preserved a collection of very old manuscripts dating back to the period of the Tibetan kings of the 8th-9th centuries. Although the short time available to me was not sufficient to permit a detailed inspection of the collection—it was not possible to confirm, for example, the presence of Old Tibetan manuscripts—I was nevertheless able to identify parts of a Praj?āpāramitā collection of the 12th century. As this material is of considerable interest for the history of the Tibetan book, in terms of its material aspects including paper, ink and illumination, I will present here the information I was able to assemble. However, the manuscripts in question require more detailed study. It is my hope that this brief presentation will inspire an effort to investigate thoroughly the 'On Keru collection.
烟火,是个寻常事儿。  几十年前,我舅舅是一个烧砖窑的师傅,每次朝着窑冒烟的地方去,他一准会从窑洞里给我拿出好吃的。  窑洞里的火红红的,我那时觉得,整个世界都被它烤红了。  后来,我长大了,长本事了,弄一堆坷垃,支一个小窑洞,拾一堆柴禾,点着,烧得旺旺的。  等将坷垃烧红,就把准备好的地瓜放里边,再把坷垃窑往下一摁,玩去吧,等好吧。  等玩够了回来,将还热乎的坷垃扒开,地瓜已皱了皮,出了油,咬一
本文引入两个以de Sitter空间为模型的非齐性坐标来覆盖共形空间Qm+11.利用球面Sm+1中超曲面的M¨obius 几何的方法,本文研究了Qm+11中正则类空超曲面的共形几何.作为其结果,本