Functional magnetic resonance imaging and the brain: A brief review

来源 :World Journal of Radiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjpttkl
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Functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) is em-ployed in many behavior analysis studies, with blood oxygen level dependent-(BOLD-) contrast imaging being the main method used to generate images. The use of BOLD-contrast imaging in f MRI has been refined over the years, for example, the inclusion of a spin echo pulse and increased magnetic strength were shown to produce better recorded images. Taking careful precautions to control variables during measurement, comparisons between different specimen groups can be illustrated by f MRI imaging using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Differences have been observed in comparisons of active and resting, developing and aging, and defective and damaged brains in various studies. However, cognitive studies using f MRI still face a number of challenges in interpretation that can only be overcome by imaging large numbers of samples. Furthermore, f MRI studies of brain cancer, lesions and other brain pathologies of both humans and animals are still to be explored. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is em-ployed in many behavior analysis studies, with blood oxygen level dependent- (BOLD-) contrast imaging being the main method used to generate images. The use of BOLD-contrast imaging in f MRI has been refined over the years, for example, the inclusion of a spin echo pulse and increased magnetic strength were shown to produce better recording images. Differences have been observed in comparisons of active and resting, developing and aging, and defective and damaged brains in various studies. However, cognitive studies using f MRI still face a number of challenges in interpretation that can only be overcome by imaging large numbers of samples. Furthermore, f MRI studies of brain cancer, lesions and other brain pathologies of both humans and anima ls are still to be explored.
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