现代化铁矿采选公司的尾矿设施的特征,可以用以下几个主要指标表示:尾矿的产量——200~3000万吨/年;矿浆中的固体含量——4~15%;矿浆的流量——30米~3/秒;每吨原矿的耗水量——4~18米~3;尾矿场的容积——3亿米~3;尾矿坝的高度——95米;基本投资——1000~11500万卢布(占采选公司基建投资的5~14%); 每吨尾矿的运输和贮存费用——0.1~1.3卢布; 返回水的成本——0.3~1.6戈比/米~3; 在尾矿场中过滤出来的水量——占全公司总耗水量的10~70%。选矿厂的尾矿场在第一年开始使用时,通常都是自流到尾矿场中,回水返回和尾矿贮存的费用是相当低的。但是随着采选公司的洼地
The characteristics of the tailings facilities of the modernized iron ore mining and dressing companies can be expressed by the following key indicators: tailings production - 200 to 30 million tons / year; solid content in the pulp - 4 to 15%; pulp Flow - 30m ~ 3 / s; Water consumption per ton of ore - 4 ~ 18m ~ 3; Tailings volume - 300m ~ 3m; Tailings dam height - 95m; --1000 ~ 11500 million rubles (accounting for 5 ~ 14% of mining infrastructure investment); transport and storage costs per ton of tailings - 0.1 to 1.3 rubles; the cost of return water - 0.3 ~ 1.6Gobi / m ~ 3; The amount of water filtered out of the tailings - 10 to 70% of the company’s total water consumption. The tailings dumps at the concentrator are usually self-flowing to the tailings yard when they are first year of use, and the cost of backwater return and tailings storage is rather low. But with the selection of the company’s depression