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明代正统年间开始推行“义民旌表”事例,激励富民捐赈,并逐渐成为本朝稳定的劝分政策。该事例自正统至万历年间屡屡举行,州县中因此产生了数量庞大的官授“义民”。其中正统年间的义民形象尤以“感仁兴义”著称,成为后世劝分者追慕推崇的榜样。这既是以官府为主导的国家权力与意识形态刻意引导的结果,又体现了义民群体主动争取、以确立有利自身及其家族形象的持续努力。义民形象的塑造过程也体现出明前期社会中官民互动、义利交织的复杂情态。 During the orthodox period of the Ming Dynasty, the “Righteousness and Respectful Expressions” campaign was launched, encouraging rich people to donate money and gradually becoming the current policy of persuasion and stability. The case was held repeatedly from Orthodox to Wanli, resulting in a large number of officials and “righteous people” in counties and counties. Among them, the image of the righteous people in the orthodox years is especially famous for their sense of friendship and benevolence. This is not only the result of deliberately directing the state power and ideology dominated by the government, but also reflects the voluntary struggle of the people of Yimin to establish a sustained effort to benefit themselves and their family. The process of shaping the image of the righteous people also reflects the complex modality in which officials and men interact with each other and the righteousness and the interests are intertwined in the early Ming society.
詹姆斯·邦德在电影中时常通过指纹或者面部识别技术,轻而易举地进入藏有重要数据的资料安全库,这是十几年前《007》电影里常常出现的镜头。如今,这类神秘的高科技应用正逐渐走入消费者的日常生活,一款基于指纹识别技术的支付工具一一“指付通”(PayByFinger),已经在上海与消费者见面,作为一种新型的支付终端出现在诸多商家的柜台上。  想像一下,用手指在指纹支付终端上潇洒一按,5秒之内便可埋好单扬长而