根据欧盟Ⅳ阶段/美国4级最终期排放法规,相关限值会于今后数年逐步收紧,为此Perkins(珀金斯)将抢先在各项最新标准出台前于今届德国宝马展上揭示符合此最严格排放要求的发动机完整阵容,功率最高达225 kW(300 hp)。带头列阵的是全新的854F-E34TA紧凑型4缸发动机,势与多款400及1200系列发动机同台争夺观众眼球。这个新型号首次加装了经特别优化性能的选择性催化还原系统(SCR),而柴油氧化催化装置(DOC)则会独立安装。此安排大大增加了主机厂(OEM)在安装发动机方面的灵活性,可以更善用发动机室
According to EU Stage IV / US Stage 4 Final Emissions Regulations, the relevant limits will gradually tighten in the coming years, so Perkins will be the first to announce the latest standard before the launch of this German BMW Show Complete lineup of engines that meet this most stringent emission requirements up to 225 kW (300 hp). Take the lead array is the new 854F-E34TA compact 4-cylinder engine, potential with a variety of 400 and 1200 series engines competing for the audience on the same stage. For the first time, this new model incorporates a specially optimized selective catalytic reduction system (SCR), while the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) is installed separately. This arrangement greatly increases the OEM’s flexibility in installing the engine to make better use of the engine room