人水博弈 何计缚苍龙 励精图治 高峡出平湖

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水是生命之源。华夏民族的文明之舟自古就依水而行,水,自古就是我们这个蓝色星球上生命的摇篮和象征。从某种意义上,水决定了国家民族的生存和发展。人们对于水的依赖,就像婴儿对于乳汁的依赖一样。水又是猛禽怪兽,华夏民族的发展史,从某种角度上来说,就是炎黄子孙与水的斗争史。水孕育了中华民族几千年的灿烂文化,不期而至的狂涛怒浪,又让炎黄子孙胆战心惊,长年累月地背负着沉重的十字架。在我国的名川大河之中,万里长江犹如一条俊龙独领风骚。层峦叠嶂装点了它的奇丽,飞流骇浪显示了它的雄壮,千峡万壑秀出它逶迤的风姿,不尽的传说颂扬它永远的神奇。可就是这样一条让中华儿女为之自豪,全世界人民为之神往的千年巨龙却在每个汛期变成一条咆哮不羁的孽龙,给仰仗着它生息的人们带来了频繁而深重的灾难。相传早在公元前21世纪尧舜时,神州大地就开始洪水泛滥。据《汉书·高后纪》载:汉高后 Water is the source of life. The boat of civilization of the Huaxia nation has been relying on water since ancient times. Water has been the cradle and symbol of life on our blue planet since ancient times. In a sense, water determines the survival and development of the nation. People depend on water just as babies rely on milk. Water is a bird of prey, the history of the development of the Chinese nation, from a certain point of view, is the history of the struggle between the progenitors and water. The water gave birth to the splendid culture of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. The unexpected ups and downs of mad waves made the grandson of the ancestors scurvy, carrying heavy crosses for many years. Among the famous rivers in our country, the Yangtze River runs like a giant dragon. Layers of overlapping 嶂 decorated its miracle, fleeting show its magnificent, thousands of gorges show its shy charm, endless legend glorified it is always magical. It is such a pride that the sons and daughters of China can be proud of, and the people around the world are fascinated by the Millennium Dragon, which turns into a roaring unruly dragon in every flood season, bringing frequent and profound disasters to those who depend on it . According to legend, as early as the 21st century BC, Yao and Shun, Divine Land began flooding. According to “Han Ji Hou Ji” contains: Henkel
通过对各种备用电源的介绍和比较,指出各自的特征及适用场合,为今后水利工程备用电源方式和容量的选取提供借鉴。 Through the introduction and comparison of various bac