中国共产党倡导全心全意为人民服务受到了全国各族人民的拥护,在以经济建设为中心的新时代,人民更希望各级党政干部发扬光大,弘扬为人民服务的精神。 但是,要清醒地看到,在改革开放的社会环境中,西方资本主义的腐朽思想文化在乘机而入,中国历史遗留的剥削阶级思想和行为在沉渣泛起,在灯红酒绿的市场经济中,滋生出了拜金主义
The CPC advocates wholeheartedly serving the people are endorsed by the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country. In a new era centered on economic construction, the people also hope that the party and government cadres at all levels will carry forward their spirits and carry forward the spirit of serving the people. However, we must be soberly aware that in the social environment of reform and opening up, the decadent ideology and culture of Western capitalism has taken the opportunity to gain ground. The thoughts and behavior of the exploiting classes left over by China’s history have been precipitating in a gloomy market. In a flourishing market economy, Out of money worship