第15届世界杯足球赛在美国举行巴西队四次捧杯美梦成真 第15届世界杯足球赛,于1994年6月17日至7月17日,在美国9个大城市进行了52场比赛。 来自欧洲、美洲、非洲、亚洲的24支足坛劲旅各施绝技,绿茵场上精彩纷呈,频暴冷门。上届杯赛冠军得主德国队,在进入四分之一决赛后,即被保加利亚人斩落马下:这是自1978年以来,德国队首次未进入世界杯赛四强。 足球王国巴西队骁勇无比,一路过关斩将势如破竹锐不可挡,轻松的杀入决赛圈。决赛中,以罚点球击败意大利队夺得金杯,进尔巴西成为世界上第一个四次夺得世界杯的国家,24年的冠军梦终于成真。
The 15th FIFA World Cup held four FIFA World Cup football matches in Brazil in the United States. From June 17 to July 17, 1994, 52 games were played in nine major cities in the United States. From Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, 24 football jigsaws stunts, the pitch brilliant, frequent ups and downs. The last cup winner Germany, after entering the quarter-finals, was the Bulgarian sacked: This is the first time since 1978, the German team did not enter the World Cup semi-finals. Football Kingdom Brazil brave, all the way to success will be unstoppable, easily reached the finals. The final, to beat Italy to take the penalty kick to win the Gold Cup, Brazil to become the world’s first four won the World Cup, the 24-year championship dream come true.