《沂沭泗流域图》已完成编绘工作,交付制版印刷。它是一种水利管理工作用图,独具一格,新颖实用。该流域图主要用于:(1) 河湖水系治理和兴修水利的规划;(2) 防汛抗洪调度指挥;(3) 图示洪涝灾害范围;(4) 救灾抢险道路指南等。为此要求把与上述用途有关的地貌地物要素和信息,尽可能地在图上如实反映。该流域图有3个特点: 1.编绘等高线突破常规,图面等高线密度适宜,使用方便。若按1:25万地形图描绘等高
“Yishusi River Basin map” has been completed compilation, delivery of plate-making printing. It is a map of water management work, unique, innovative and practical. The watershed mainly used for: (1) river and lake water system management and rehabilitation of water conservancy planning; (2) flood control and flood control command; (3) graphic flood disaster range; (4) disaster relief road guide. To this end, it is required that the elements and information of the topography and geography related to the above uses should be faithfully reflected on the map as far as possible. The basin map has three features: 1. Compilation of contour line break routine, surface contour density appropriate, easy to use. If 1: 250,000 topographic map depicts contour