On the last we talked about the reaction of production relations to the productivity of enterprises and the ways in which we can improve our relations of production so as to promote the development of productive forces in enterprises. In this lecture, we are talking about the reaction of the superstructure to the productivity of the enterprise and how to improve the superstructure to promote the development of the productivity of the enterprise. First, the general principle of the reaction of the superstructure to the productive forces On this issue, there is a longer-term perspective that Stalin put forward in his book, Marxist and Linguistic Issues. He said: “The superstructure has no direct connection with the production and colleagues' production.” The superstructure is an indirect intermediation between production and production through an intermediary of the economy. Therefore, the superstructure reflects the changes in the level of development of the productive forces, not immediately, Directly reflected, but after the basic change, through the production change in the basic changes in the demolition