消化道息肉是消化系统的常见病和多发病,因其发展具有潜在恶变倾向,多采用内镜下切除。由于内镜直视下蒂性大息肉行电凝切除术时,常因电凝不完全或机械性切割而并发活动性出血、渗血甚至即时或迟发穿孔等,从而限制了这项简易有效内镜手术的普遍开展。氩离子凝固术(argon p lasm
Gastrointestinal polyps is a common disease and frequently-occurring digestive system, because of its potential to malignant development tendency, the use of endoscopic resection. Due to endoscopic strabismus pedicel polyp resection, often due to incomplete or mechanical coagulation coagulation and active bleeding, bleeding or even immediate or delayed perforation, which limits the simple and effective Endoscopic surgery is generally carried out. Argon ion coagulation (argon p lasm