已到就业年龄却靠父母供养的人简称“啃老族”。据中国老龄科研中心的调查显示,目前我国有65%以上的家庭存在“老养小”现象,30%左右的青年基本靠父母供养,“啃老”现象并非国内独有。在美国和日本,也存这样现象。他们被称为“NEET族”。“NEET”(No Education,Employment or Training)一词最早产生于英国,专指那些在义务教育结束以后,不升学、不工作、不参加职业培训的年轻人。
People who have reached the employment age but rely on their parents referred to as “eating the old people.” According to a survey conducted by the China Center for Aging Research, at present, more than 65% of China’s families have the phenomenon of “raising old and small”. About 30% of young people basically depend on their parents for support. The phenomenon of “eating the old” is not unique to China. In the United States and Japan, this phenomenon also exists. They are called “NEETs.” The term “No Education, Employment or Training” was first born in the United Kingdom and specifically refers to young people who do not go to school, work or attend vocational training after compulsory education ends.