在河北衡水潮土上进行田间试验,研究小麦/玉米轮作体系下,小麦季施用磷肥对玉米的后效及土壤中无机磷形态转化的影响。结果表明,与高施磷量(187.5 kg hm-2 P2O5)相比,小麦季磷肥施用量减少20%或40%,甚至当年不施磷,对后作玉米籽粒产量、生物量、植株吸磷量均无明显影响。从玉米苗期到成熟期,土壤中各形态无机磷下降幅度表现为Ca2-P最大,其次是Ca8-P,再次为Al-P。随着施磷量的减少,土壤Olsen-P、Ca2-P含量开始呈现下降趋势。与单施无机磷肥150.0 kg hm-2 P2O5相比,用有机肥猪粪磷替代其中20%无机磷肥,显著提高了土壤Olsen-P、Ca2-P和Ca8-P含量。本文结论认为在高肥力的华北地区小麦/玉米一个轮作周期中,小麦季减少磷肥用量,对后作玉米生长和产量尚未产生明显的影响。适当配施猪粪,减少无机磷肥,可以提高土壤中的Olsen-P和Ca2-P含量,较好地维持玉米季土壤中磷素肥力水平。
Field experiments were conducted on Hengshui tidal soil in Hebei province to study the effect of application of P fertilizer on the after-effect of maize and the transformation of inorganic phosphorus in soil under the wheat / corn rotation system. The results showed that compared with the high phosphorus application rate (187.5 kg hm-2 P2O5), the application rate of wheat P application was reduced by 20% or 40%, or even no P application in that year. The yield, biomass, No significant effect. From seedling stage to mature stage, the decline of inorganic phosphorus in soil was Ca2-P, followed by Ca8-P and Al-P again. With the decrease of phosphorus application, the contents of Olsen-P and Ca2-P in soil began to decline. Compared with single application of inorganic phosphate fertilizer 150.0 kg hm-2 P2O5, organic manure pig manure replacement 20% inorganic phosphate fertilizer significantly increased soil Olsen-P, Ca2-P and Ca8-P content. The conclusion of this paper is that in a high-fertility wheat / maize cycle in North China, the reduction of P application during the wheat season has no significant effect on the post-crop growth and yield. Appropriate pig manure application, reducing inorganic phosphate fertilizer, can increase the content of Olsen-P and Ca2-P in the soil, better maintain the level of phosphorus fertility in maize season soil.