Prediction of Acoustic Absorption Performance of a Perforated Plate with Air Jets

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangxl2000
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The present study focuses on the prediction of acoustic absorption performance of a perforated plate with air jets by theoretical calculations. In addition, we experimentally measured the flow rate, internal pressure, acoustic pressure, and transfer function using an acoustic impedance tube. The normal incidence absorption coefficient was calculated from the measured transfer function using transfer function methods. We investigated the influences of background air space, flow velocity, thickness, aperture rate, and aperture diameter of a perforated plate on the acoustic absorption characteristics. The frequency characteristics of the acoustic absorption coefficient showed a maximum value at a local frequency. As the background air space increased, the peak frequency of acoustic absorption characteristics decreased. As the flow velocity passing through the apertures increased, the peak level of the acoustic absorption coefficient also increased. The theoretical results agreed well with the experimental ones qualitatively. The present study focuses on the prediction of acoustic absorption performance of a perforated plate with air jets by theoretical calculations. In addition, we experimentally measured the flow rate, internal pressure, acoustic pressure, and transfer function using an acoustic impedance tube. The normal incidence absorption coefficient was calculated from the measured transfer function using transfer function methods. We investigated the influences of background air space, flow velocity, thickness, aperture rate, and aperture diameter of a perforated plate on the acoustic absorption characteristics. The frequency characteristics of the acoustic As the background air space increased, the peak frequency of acoustic absorption characteristics also increased. results agreed well with the experimental one qualitatively
1919年,鲁迅先生有感于“中国亲权重,父权更重”,“本位应在幼者,却反在长者;置中应在将来,却反在过去。”作《我们现在怎样做父亲》,提出“先从觉醒的人入手,各自解放了自己的孩子。自己背着因袭的重担,肩住了黑暗的闸门,放他们到宽阔光明的地方去;此后幸福的度日,合理的做人。”这一年先生39岁,还没有孩子。  十年后,1929年有了自己的孩子。据《鲁迅日记》:“9月26日下午送广平入福民医院,夜在医院
县城离故乡不过一小时多一点的车程,自从我扎根城市之后,一年回家一次,就把故乡变得遥远了。  小时候以为故乡最大,太阳东升西落,阳光照耀的村庄就是整个世界。长大后才知道故乡最小,太阳虽然依旧东升西落,阳光照耀的世界却已看不见故乡。  每次回乡,母亲都很兴奋,像年轻人去丽江。对于回故乡,母亲是会老友,女儿是看新奇,老婆是走亲戚。而我却很茫然,似乎都是,似乎什么也不是。  当我再次回到故乡时,好像到了别
摘要:传统的教学模式已和目前大专院校物流管理专业培养应用型人才的目标不相适应,结合物流管理专业实际的实际教学情况,本文针对集装箱运输实务课程从教学内容、教学方法、考核方法、实训教学等方面进行改革研究,以期对集装箱运输实务的教学改革能起到一定的积极作用。  关键词:集装箱运输;课程改革;工学结合  中图分类号:G423.07  课程是实现教育目的和培养目标的重要手段,课程开发是专业改革和建设的基础,