For a long time, the theoretical standpoint of “the times” as the basic standard for Chinese philosophy that exists in academia has its roots in the influence of Western “modernity” theory. This theoretical position does have its positive significance, but it is also easy to draw conclusions that generally negate the modern value of the Chinese philosophical tradition. This proposition implies that with the ethnicity of western culture as the historical connotation of human culture in a particular period, it neglects or even surmounts the transcendence and succession of the non-Western ethnic and cultural traditions and treats Western-style modernity as closed The complete value system as a precondition. In order to accomplish the “central theme replacement” of paying attention to “how to concentrate the wisdom of a multi-ethnic cultural community to solve the common difficulties of the global village” from the main concern of “how non-Western cultures completely copy the West,” we must abandon the principle of " Keep the one-dimensional rigid thinking mode of the time, and take a more complete consideration of the cultural issues from the two dimensions of the time and the nationality.