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《世界发展报告》(以下简称为《报告》)是世界银行出版物中影响力最大、权威性最强的专门性报告之一。《报告》每年选择一个重大的发展问题,组织有关专家进行详细的讨论和考察,并就此问题提出供各国决策者参考的建议。1990年《报告》的主题是贫困问题。《报告》着重评估了全球范围内贫困的现状,回顾了不同国家实施不同贫困战略的后果,提出了世界银行的减轻贫困战略建议。全球贫困现象的基本估计《报告》把贫困定义为缺少达到最低生活水准的能力。从量上考察,人均年收入水平低于370美元的家庭被看成是未达到最低的生活水准,处于贫困状态。以此贫困线为限,估计在1985年整个发展中国家约有11.15亿人为穷人,约占发展中国家全部人口的1/3。其中的6.3亿人(约占发展中国家全部人口的18%)又是穷人中的穷人,他们的年人均消费低于275美元。反映贫困状况的指标同时包括儿童死亡率、小学入学率和预期寿命。1985年,在全部发展中国 The World Development Report (hereafter referred to as the “Report”) is one of the most influential and authoritative specialized reports in the World Bank’s publications. Each year, the Report chooses a major development issue, organizes relevant experts to conduct detailed discussions and reviews, and makes recommendations on the issue for reference by policy makers of all countries. The theme of the 1990 report is poverty. The Report focuses on assessing the current status of poverty worldwide, reviewing the consequences of implementing different poverty strategies in different countries and proposing a World Bank poverty reduction strategy. The basic estimate of the global phenomenon of poverty, the Report, defines poverty as the lack of capacity to meet the minimum standard of living. In terms of quantity, families with annual per capita income below $ 370 are seen as living below their lowest standard of living and in poverty. To this poverty line, it is estimated that in the entire developing world in 1985 about 11.15 million people were poor, accounting for about one-third of the total population in developing countries. Of these, 630 million (about 18% of the total population in developing countries) are poor among the poor, spending less than 275 U.S. dollars per person on average. Indicators of poverty include both child mortality, primary school enrollment and life expectancy. In 1985, all in China
本文研究了46个烷基取代苯的质谱基峰的质荷比,提出了烷基取代苯质谱基峰质荷比的新观点。 In this paper, the mass-to-charge ratio of 46 alkyl-substituted benzene mas
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