The World Development Report (hereafter referred to as the “Report”) is one of the most influential and authoritative specialized reports in the World Bank’s publications. Each year, the Report chooses a major development issue, organizes relevant experts to conduct detailed discussions and reviews, and makes recommendations on the issue for reference by policy makers of all countries. The theme of the 1990 report is poverty. The Report focuses on assessing the current status of poverty worldwide, reviewing the consequences of implementing different poverty strategies in different countries and proposing a World Bank poverty reduction strategy. The basic estimate of the global phenomenon of poverty, the Report, defines poverty as the lack of capacity to meet the minimum standard of living. In terms of quantity, families with annual per capita income below $ 370 are seen as living below their lowest standard of living and in poverty. To this poverty line, it is estimated that in the entire developing world in 1985 about 11.15 million people were poor, accounting for about one-third of the total population in developing countries. Of these, 630 million (about 18% of the total population in developing countries) are poor among the poor, spending less than 275 U.S. dollars per person on average. Indicators of poverty include both child mortality, primary school enrollment and life expectancy. In 1985, all in China